Sunday, April 13, 2008

Garmin GPSMap 60Cx and EGNOS - Finale

After two earlier posts on the trouble I had with getting EGNOS to work on the Garmin GPSMap 60Cx, it seems that the trouble are now solved because of Garmin's latest GPS-chipset firmware upgrade.

As of February 18, 2008, the 3.60 firmware is available for the GPSMap 60Cx itself. This update changes some small maps things unrelated to EGNOS. There also is an update for the GPS Chipset type G, and it seems that this update did the trick for EGNOS. I now routinely get good SBAS signals on either Garmin channel 33, 37, or 39. The smallest EPE I have seen so far is 3 m -- a little more than I expected, but this might have been caused by a poor constellation.

The attached image show a nice 4-m EPE under some tree cover at an old fortress near Lake Zurich.

Thanks, Garmin!